Cas project: fundraiser

Through this project, We wanted to help local NGOs by funding their good cause. For this, We planned to organise food stalls to generate income and then donate a percentage of it to needy organisations. Firstly, we planned to have the stall outside school but due to venue unavailability, we decided to have it in an event that was being organised in school called garba fest. This was done because we would ensure guaranteed sales so that our project was fruitful and we could help the NGO. After we had a stall in school, we thought that it would be nice to expand of further and have more of such stalls and hence we started the fundraiser outside school as-well.

LO2: I was not rlly good at communication and would often ask other to do things such as contacting teachers for assistance/ help, etc. but in this project, I was able to take the lead the really develop my communication skills. Whenever we faced problems, I would meet with the required people and resolve the issue. It rlly boosted my confidence and I am very happy for the same.

LO3: this learning outcomes was demonstrated by using communication skills. We contacted the NGO we wanted to help, asked the coordinator for venue and arrangements. Handled the materials and stalls and got the project done nicely.

LO5: I was able to work with 3 of my friends in this project and working together rlly solved a lot of issues. We divided roles amongst ourselves and each one of us was diligent enough to fulfil their responsibilities on time. We became more efficient by working together.

LO6: The NGO we helped focuses on community service and awareness. Donates important things like clothes to the needy and provides education to those who can’t get it. By helping this good cause, we engaged in global issues.

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