Volunteering to plant trees for an NGO

I found an NGO that plants thousands of trees on a weekly basis. I decided to join and help them for 40 weeks. We planted trees every weekend in various places in the city .

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

Planting was not an easy task , I learnt many new skills like digging and tying the plants in the correct angle so it grows properly over this long course of time i improved a lot at these skills.

LO3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

Planning this experience wasn’t easy as I had to confirm and get in touch with the NGO and coordinate with them and collect many volunteers every week.

LO6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

Deforestation has been a very prominent global issue recently and this has resulted to global warming and it is getting worse every year. Planting these trees on such a big scale consistently has helped a lot with this issue in the city.

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