Rural immersion 2023

Under 6 days of perpetual walking, talking, slacking, and learning, we became not entirely but somewhat humbled by our local community. We were available to move across the lot that only spoke about the rural by assumption. Never did I think that I would dig my hands in cow dung, milk a cow, or travel desi in a tractor. The highlight of my experience sums up two large components that are ‘Nature’ and ‘Community.’ My learning can be summed up into Learning outcomes 2,4,6, and 7.

Our adventure began with thrilling activities like valley crossing and skywalking, challenging our limits and fostering a spirit of courage and resilience. The treks through the lush landscapes offered breathtaking views and a sense of serenity, embodying the very essence of being one with nature. These activities were not just physical endeavors but also journeys of self-discovery, aligning with Learning Outcome 2 – challenge and develop new skills.

Our service component was spent at Aaramshala, where we interacted with the local children. Playing with them, sharing stories, and engaging in various activities, we experienced the joy of giving. This interaction was not just about providing service but also about learning from these young, vibrant minds. Their simplicity, joy, and eagerness to learn were heartwarming. This part of our journey resonated deeply with Learning Outcome 4 – showing commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.

The immersion took a creative turn as we delved into the local arts like Warli and Lipan, basket weaving, and even tried our hands at milking! Each activity was a window into the rich cultural tapestry of the Kotwadia community. We learned about their sustainable lifestyle, their close connection with nature, and the wisdom in their simplicity. This interaction was a crucial step towards Learning Outcome 6 – engaging with issues of global significance, as we explored how traditional lifestyles can contribute to sustainable living.

Throughout our immersion, we actively explored various Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) like No Poverty, Zero Hunger, Good Health and Well-being, Quality Education, Clean Water and Sanitation, Sustainable Cities and Communities, and Life on Land. We understood the interconnectedness of these goals and the vital role rural communities play in achieving them.

As we lived in close proximity to nature and the local community, we realized the importance of slowing down and appreciating the simpler aspects of life. This experience was a stark reminder of the diverse realities that exist within our world. We reflected on our privileges and recognized the importance of empathy and understanding.

Living amidst nature, away from the trappings of modern technology, we learned to appreciate the environment and understood the importance of its conservation, aligning with Learning Outcome 7 – recognizing and considering the ethics of choices and actions.

This rural immersion was not just a journey through picturesque landscapes but a deep dive into the essence of human connection, culture, and sustainable living. It was an amalgamation of adventure, service, and learning, all woven seamlessly into the fabric of rural life. As I reflect on this experience, I carry with me the lessons learned, the joy shared, and a renewed sense of responsibility towards our planet and its diverse inhabitants.

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