CAS trip Devinamal

The recent CAS trip to Devinamal near Dang was an enriching experience that touched upon various learning outcomes. Over the span of five to six days, we immersed ourselves in the vibrant tapestry of this village, delving into the intricacies of its community, exploring the rich flora and fauna, and actively participating in a diverse array of activities that allowed us to connect with the essence of rural living.

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

As we navigated through the challenges presented in Devinamal, I found myself confronted with growth opportunities. Engaging in activities such as milking cows and participating in agricultural tasks demanded adaptation and resilience. These challenges served as a mirror, reflecting my strengths and areas for improvement. Whether it was mastering the cow milking process, understanding agricultural intricacies, or embracing activities like Warli painting and rifle shooting, I identified my strengths and areas where growth was necessary. LO1 was evident in my self-awareness and the conscious effort to develop a well-rounded skill set rooted in the context of rural living.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken

In Devinamal, challenges were not mere obstacles but stepping stones to personal development. Confronting tasks like milking cows and engaging in agricultural activities required us to overcome obstacles, fostering the acquisition of practical skills. The process of learning, adapting, and ultimately overcoming challenges embodied LO2 and contributed to our overall growth during the rural immersion.

LO3: Initiate and plan a CAS experience

We, the students, decided to do something good for a government school. We took the lead in making this happen. We gave money to the school because we saw they needed help. We didn’t just talk about it; we planned and organized the money donation. This showed that we weren’t just focused on our time in Devinamal; we also wanted to make a lasting positive difference for the local schools. Doing this demonstrated our ability to take the lead and plan actions that would help the community, which is what LO3 is all about.

LO4: Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience

Devinamal became a testament to our unwavering commitment. Whether it was the early mornings spent on farming activities or the meticulous hours dedicated to Warli painting, our commitment acted as a driving force. Perseverance was our constant companion, guiding us through challenges and reflecting our dedication to the goals set during our rural immersion. LO4 was evident in our sustained efforts and resilience in the face of difficulties.

LO5: Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively

Devinamal served as a laboratory for teamwork, where collaborative efforts were essential. Whether we were enjoying the river, learning the art of cow milking, or teaching underprivileged children sports like football and frisbee, effective teamwork was at the forefront. LO5 unfolded naturally as we realized the importance of respecting each other’s strengths, highlighting the significance of teamwork and its potential to achieve shared goals.

LO6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

Our time in Devinamal prompted contemplation on global issues such as privilege, interconnectedness, and societal challenges. This wasn’t just a theoretical discussion but a genuine connection felt as we interacted with the local community. Understanding the interplay between village life and broader global problems fueled our desire to contribute to a fairer and better world. Our actions, such as collecting plastic waste and educating underprivileged children, were tangible expressions of LO6, reflecting our commitment to addressing issues of global significance on a local scale.

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