BGMI Tournament (PROJECT)

I always wanted to organise a gaming event, and this was my chance. I assumed it would be simple and that once we planned it, the event would be fantastic, but I was mistaken. I learnt a lot from this endeavour.

LO 1: Organising the BGMI tournament provided me with the opportunity to discover my talents in event organisation, communication, and leadership. It also assisted me in identifying areas for growth, such as time management and problem-solving. This event increased my self-awareness and inspired me to create personal development objectives in order to improve my talents.

LO 2: Overcoming obstacles in financing and player recruiting was a key component of the BGMI event. These challenges drove me to improve my bargaining and persuading abilities. To attract participation, I needed to come up with unique ideas such as obtaining sponsorships and executing marketing methods. These difficulties provided possibilities for personal growth and skill development.

LO 3: Coordination of the BGMI tournament was like bringing a concept to life. It entailed identifying objectives, arranging logistics, getting funds, and recruiting participants. While certain areas experienced challenges, such as obtaining sufficient finances or locating participants, I learned to problem-solve and alter my approach. It’s like putting a puzzle together, where I have to connect numerous parts to make the tournament happen. LO 3 emphasises the value of preparation, adaptation, and perseverance in bringing ideas to reality.

LO 4: LO4: The difficulties I had in raising finances and recruiting participants for the BGMI competition required a strong dedication and determination. There were times when it appeared hopeless, but my unrelenting determination to obtain funding and participation demonstrated my commitment to make the event a success. These added challenges emphasised the significance of resilience, resourcefulness, and adaptability in my CAS experience. They demonstrated my unwavering dedication to accomplishing my objectives and deepened my comprehension of the CAS learning outcomes. It showed me the importance of perseverance and tenacity in the face of adversity.

LO 5 – The BGMI event emphasized on teamwork and cooperation. I got the opportunity to work directly with my friends, committed volunteers, and all of the participants. This training greatly improved my ability to work successfully in a team and communicate effectively with everyone. What’s amazing is that when we came together and merged our talents, the results exceeded our expectations. It was like being a part of a tightly knit gaming community, and our collective collaboration was crucial to our tournament’s success. This sense of solidarity improved our talents and increased our pleasure of the entire event.

LO7: I emphasized ethical standards when organising the BGMI event. It was critical to ensure fairness and openness, as well as a commitment to following clear regulations that prohibited undue advantages. I supported responsible event management by assuring participant safety and well-being while managing resources wisely. A primary focus was focused on promoting good sportsmanship and a courteous gaming community. Every element of the competition was run in accordance with these ethical values, ensuring a fun and equitable experience for all players.

To summarise, organising a tournament is difficult, especially when the number of participants is large. Because of my friends who were also involved in this initiative, it did not go as badly as it could have, but greater planning will be required next time.


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