Going to gym:

Going to the gym has become a culture and the gym bandwagon is growing larger and larger. This is a very nice initiative taken by people (i.e following the gym bandwagon) because people are becoming fitter and therefore constant improvement in their overall health. Therefore, even I want to become fit and hereby CAS has given me the opportunity to do so.

LO1 (Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth) : My strengths in this case are that I had already undergone the process of weight loss so I am an experienced person although I have never been to a gym therefore my gym instructor helped me experience the gym atmosphere, machines, etc. Therefore, I was more aware about how a gym functions, the importance of posture in doing exercise, and the discipline and consistency that a gym requires.

LO2 (Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process) : This was a big challenge for me because I would have to put in constant efforts to get results and the challenges were not just in terms of physical exhaustion but also in terms of time management because I had to create a time slot solely for gym which I didn’t have priorly, therefore developing time management skills. Furthermore, I improved my social skills because I am an introvert although going to gym exposed me to new people therefore creating new friends during the process. Lastly, going to the gym uplifted my self-management skills because I had to monitor my health, diet, active time, etc. 

LO3 (Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience) : To become fit, you need a plan in terms of diet plan, exercise plan, etc. Therefore I created that with the help of my instructor during the process and followed it religiously. Creating a plan is important because with planning I would be able to stay on track and know what to do at every moment.

LO4 (Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experience) : To get results in weight loss it is not possible without being determined about my goal and being honest to myself and doing the tasks diligently. Therefore being committed and showing perseverance towards my CAS experience.

LO6 (Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance) : While doing this CAS experience, I demonstrated the sustainable development goal (SDG) 3 which is “Good health and Well Being” because as stated priorly I am working upon my health and well being therefore improving my lifestyle and influencing my relative and close friends to be also become fitter.

LO7 (Recognize and consider the ethics of your choices and actions) : I was well aware of the consequences that I would have to face while doing this CAS experience such as, in the starting it would greatly affect my mood, productivity, concentration, and energy level although i knew that it would become stable after few days of regularity with this goal. Additionally, I would need to devote a lot of time to this goal although which is something I should ideally do but the consequence in this case would be division of my time.

In conclusion, doing this goal is just not something that I did in order to complete my CAS experiences however also for my own betterment. Doing this CAS experience made me develop learner profile such as principled as I was principled to myself and my weight loss program, inquirer because I got to know a lot about gymming, reflective as I reflected upon the wrong decisions I took in terms of eating fast food which would greatly affect my health, and open-minded regarding the changes in the lifestyle I would have.


(1st image – before, 2nd image – after)

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