Rural Emersion

Hi , i’m Palaash Dubey .Visiting and staying in Ambapani for six days was a life changing experience that opened my eyes to the beauty of sustainable living.I learned a sustainable and a polar opposite way of living. it was a stark contrast to the lifestyle on i have . During my stay, I had opportunity to delve into various activity and immerse myself in the local culture. We learned about indigenous culture of ambapani and learned about there food, dance, lifestyle and nature

LO1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth Screen reader support enabled.

During my trip, I encountered several challenges that pushed me out of my comfort zone. One significant hurdle was my struggle to wake up early.Engaging in activities like lipan art and cow milking also presented challenges for me. These activities were part of the daily routine for the locals, while for me, they were entirely new and unfamiliar. However, I embraced the opportunity to immerse myself in the local customs and traditions. It was a humbling experience to learn from the locals and participate in activities that were ordinary for them but extraordinary for me. Adventure activities posed another challenge due to my fear of heights. However, with the encouragement and support of my friends, I decided to confront my fear and participate in these activities.  this trip provided me with a new view to life .

LO2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills.

During the this experience we had to few activities which were out of my comfort zone. I did cow dung lipan, I had touch cow dung and fill gaps of locals house. like mentioned above.Engaging in activities like lipan art and cow milking also presented challenges for me.but i had to overcome it and i took the challenge and learned and experienced and developed new skills .

LO4 – Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience.

I felt I was most committed during this experience in my life. Because we had to wake up early then do hard working activities all day. we basically did the activities i never imagined id do so it was new and i had no choice but to commit to it and so it We went for trekking trekking in early morning and did multiple activities throughout the day . We stayed committed and persistent in whole trip.

 LO5 – Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively.

During my trip to Ambapani, collaborative work became a significant aspect of the experience. We engaged in various activities together, such as lipan art, farming, Warli painting, and cutting vegetables. As an introvert who is more accustomed to working individually, collaborating with others was initially challenging for me. However, this trip taught me the value and benefits of working in groups.Ultimately, this trip taught me that collaborative work can be a valuable and rewarding experience, even for introverts like myself. It demonstrated that combining individual strengths and working together towards a common goal can lead to greater efficiency, creativity, and personal growth. 

LO6 – Engagement with issues of global significance.

During our trip, we had the opportunity to gain insights into the global issue of sustainability and the destruction of forests and wildlife. This issue is of great importance as it impacts the delicate balance of ecosystems and the well-being of both human and non-human species. Our awareness was further enhanced through an insightful session with an Indian Forest Service (IFS) officer.

LO7 – Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions

During our trip, we actively reflected on the importance of sustainability and our responsibility towards nature and the environment. As part of this journey, we took the initiative to clean up the river side and were astonished by the staggering amount of trash we collected – nearly 20 bags. Unfortunately, even after our efforts, there was still a significant amount of garbage scattered around. Witnessing the consequences of human actions, including our own, on the environment deeply impacted us of our choices and the actions of those around us. This experience highlighted the urgent need to rethink and prioritize actions that minimize our impact on nature and preserve its well-being.

Over all this trip was a new experience!

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