Breaking the Silence: Menstrual Awareness (Project)

A UNICEF report had found that 71 per cent adolescent girls remain unaware of menstruation until they attain menarche. Menstrual awareness remains a vital yet often overlooked aspect of women’s health, transcending cultural and geographical boundaries. Even today, Social exclusion and lack of education on menstrual hygiene are forcing many girls in India to drop out of school early In the pursuit of understanding, addressing, and destigmatizing menstruation, our CAS project unfolds, guided by the fundamental principles of Creativity, Activity, and Service, and driven by the Learning Outcomes (LO) 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7.

LO2 – Developing New Skills Through Challenges

Embarking on this project posed numerous challenges, compelling us to undertake a journey of self-discovery and skill acquisition. To effectively address menstrual awareness, we needed to educate ourselves on the biological, cultural, and societal aspects surrounding menstruation. We engaged in extensive research, acquiring not only knowledge but also honing our skills in information synthesis, communication, and advocacy. Additionally, we prioritized enhancing our public speaking abilities to ensure effective delivery of pertinent information. We understood that only by mastering the subject matter could we adequately address any inquiries or concerns that arose from our audience.

LO3 – Initiating and Planning the CAS Experience

Initiating and planning our CAS experience demanded meticulous organization. Identifying suitable venues for the sessions and synchronizing with Team Kamakhya’s schedule posed significant challenges. It involved coordinating with the target audience, aligning their availability with ours and Team Kamakhya’s, and integrating these sessions into our own busy schedules. This planning phase provided valuable insights into the importance of foresight, and effective communication for successful execution.

LO4 – Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Commitment and perseverance emerged as our guiding principles throughout this journey. One such problem we faced was that in one session Facing inevitable setbacks, whether logistical or in addressing societal taboos, our unwavering dedication fueled our resolve to break down barriers and promote openness about menstruation. Despite encountering numerous challenges, one notable obstacle arose when team Khamakhya was unable to attend one of our sessions. Rather than abandoning our plans, my colleague and I improvised the session’s structure and carried on. This experience further honed our ability to adapt to unexpected circumstances and make the most out of last-minute changes.

LO5 – Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

For a successful execution of plans and sessions, it is very important for the entire team to work hand in hand. Collaboration became our greatest asset. Working collectively allowed us to pool diverse talents, perspectives, and strengths. From being trained by Team Khamakhya to conduct sessions and deliver the right content to organizing awareness sessions in schools by ourselves was only possible because of each member putting efforts and working side by side.

LO6 – Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

Menstrual awareness transcends borders, impacting women globally. Our engagement with this project prompted us to explore the global significance of menstrual health. We discovered the varying cultural approaches, economic disparities, and the shared goal of breaking menstrual taboos to foster a healthier, more informed world.

LO7 – Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

Our journey compelled us to recognize and consider the ethics surrounding menstrual awareness. We navigated sensitivities with care, respecting cultural differences and ensuring our initiatives adhered to ethical guidelines. This commitment to ethical considerations became an integral part of our CAS Project’s foundation.

In conclusion, our Menstrual Awareness Project exemplifies the transformative potential of CAS. Through challenges, planning, commitment, collaboration, global engagement, and ethical considerations, we not only promoted menstrual awareness but also developed invaluable skills, shaping us into conscientious global citizens. As we break the silence surrounding menstruation, we recognize the enduring impact of our journey, one that extends far beyond the boundaries of our immediate community.

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