Engaging in community service by serving food to the underprivileged was a deeply humbling experience. The opportunity to extend a helping hand and bring nourishment to those in need has left a lasting impact, underscoring the importance of empathy, ethics, and social responsibility. Learning Outcome 2: Ethical ImplicationsTaking part in community service highlighted the ethical […]


Participating in the FSMUN (Model United Nations) organized by our school was an enriching experience that helped me discover the power of effective communication, critical thinking, and collaboration. This event provided a platform for students to simulate the United Nations, addressing global issues and proposing solutions through fruitful dialogue and negotiation. Learning Outcome 3: planningBeing […]


For me, the journey towards achieving this equilibrium started with a consistent presence at the gym. This consistent commitment to my physical well-being has imparted invaluable life lessons, emphasizing the importance of consistency, hard work, and time management, which have seamlessly permeated other aspects of my life. Learning Outcome 1: Knowledge and UnderstandingConsistency at the […]