Learning Violin is a challenge – Pushyark

I have been a really good piano player since I was a child, I understood most of the instruments because of my father and uncle being musicians. But there was one exception, no matter how much I tried, I was never able to understand Violin, not even a bit. I am rreally close friends with Ryan Lee, us being on the same basketball team and classmates etc etc. He told me he will teach violing every week and luckily it was at my father’s music class so I decided to learn violin from him and made it my mission to atleast be able to play atleast a basic song of “twinkle twinkle little star”. First week of learning was spent on me just learning how to hold the violin, it was hurting my back, my arm everything, it was really tough going through the first week since I didn’t understand a thing. I didn’t understand how strings work and how to play differen’t notes. By 2nd week I was kind of able to play the basic scale, I was still struggling in that and still was feeling uncomfortable to play more than 1 minute due to the way you hold. This was me trying to play the basic scale of “do re mi” or ” sa re ga ma ” during second week of practice.

This was me during the 4th week of practice playing twinkle twinkle little star.

During the 3rd week, Ryan taught me the notes and the patterns, tone and semi tones of violin, and since I know them in piano, after I learned the distance between 2 tone notes and a semi tone note on a violing, I figured out twinkle twinkle on violin pretty easily. But the main challenge here was my fingers not being fast and shifty enough. to over come that I just practiced shifting my fingers for the rest of the week and then I played it all during my 4th week.

I catered Learning outcome 1 and learning outome 2 throughout this experience as I was able to make a choice about how I wish to move forward with this learning experience and how I was able to learn a new set of challenging skills that is unfamiliar to me, and how I overcame those weaknesses and am able to play the intrument.

Overall, it was fun and challenging for me as a student, because I always like to challenge myself and what better way then to learn a skill I was afraid of learning especially when one of your own friends is teaching the skill for their CAS experience. Couldn’t find any better opportunity then that one.

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