Donating baked items

I love to bake! Some of my favourite things to bake are cookies, cakes, and  muffins. I love the process of baking, from measuring the ingredients to decorating the finished product. Baking is a great way to relax and de-stress, and it’s always satisfying to see the end product to  me .One way to  help poor people by donating food so I took this opportunity and then bake every weekend and then went to different place to donate those baked good to poor people, by  donating them it helped me realize the importance of food and other resources which for some people is easy to get but some people might be struggling to get them even in a small amount . this made me encourage to help more people and to be more grateful for the resources which were available to me and who to share them

LO 1: Identify your own strengths and develop areas for growth. 

Donating helped me to develop a sense of responsibility towards the betterment of the world. Donating helped me to realize that I am a very giving person. I enjoy helping others and making a difference in their lives. It also helped me to see that I have a lot of strengths that I can use to help others. caring for others has helped me to develop a greater sense of empathy and compassion. It has also helped me to become more patient and tolerant. In addition, helping others has helped me to better understand my own strengths and weaknesses and to develop a greater sense of self-awareness.
Baking has helped me to develop a greater sense of focus and attention to detail. I have also become more patient and efficient in my work as a result of baking. I have also learned to better manage my time and resources while baking. Baking has also  helped me to identify my own strength and develop areas of growth after baking, it helped me in learning more about the science behind baking, I realized that I have a lot of knowledge

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

Challenges faced by me were that I had never baked in a big batch of baked good so it was the first time for me for baking them in a huge amount was a struggle measuring the ingredient and being patient were the challenges that I face during baking them the first time and also me being a introvert donating them to people was something that I have never done before so it helped me bringing me out of my comfort zone. Donating helped me develop new skills in a number of ways. First, it helped me learn how to communicate effectively with people from all walks of life. I was able to learn about their stories and what they were going through, and in turn, I was able to share my own experiences

 finally, I was so happy to be able to donate baked goods to poor people. It made me feel really good to know that I was helping to make someone’s day a little bit better. I know that when I was struggling, there were times when a kind gesture like this meant the world to me. I hope that my act of kindness can help to make someone’s day a little bit brighter.
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