Participating In International Peace MUN

IP MUN stands for International Peace Modern United Nations. It is made up of delegates who represent various countries in various committees. Each committee is been created with the goal of engaging the delegates in the most captivating way possible.This year I was a part of this I was in the United Nations Humans Right Council where I represented New Zealand.The topic for this year was the Russia and Ukraine war.The LO’s that I achieved through this experience are:

LO 1

Through this experience I got to know that one of my major strengths are debating and researching as all the website and the tools which I have used to research for the data and the facts were authentic.Not only this but it helped me to know about the other side of the war and helped me gain more general knowledge and helped me to gain more political knowledge.

LO 2

The major challenge for me was that I cannot socialize with strangers in a go but as this event was outside my school I also met people whom I have never met but while debating against and side by side each other it was easy for me to talk to them and know more about each other.


As I had mentioned above in LO1 that the skills that I gained were researching and debating I had shown them while I was presenting my data and my opinion on the conflict.


As I had stated above that the agenda for this MUN was the Russia and the Ukraine war I had showed global engagement on this topic and represented New Zealand and all got to hear other companies opinion about the same.


While I was hearing the reason by why Russia had started this war I was questioning their choice of actions and why they must suppress one country just for power.Over here I was considering the unethical choices made by the Russian government.


Below I have attached the evidence.


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