Beach Clean Up

Cleaning our local beach is very important because it is a place where everyone goes during their vacations and weekends; not only that, but tourism visits the area during the summer. As a result, cleaning it is always a good thing to do. I went to Dariya Ganesh Beach, where I saw how dirty the beach was due to only garbage everywhere. When I was cleaning the beach, I discovered a lot of trash that didn’t belong there. I collected many sticks, feathers, candy wrappers, straws, tissue papers, cigarette boxes, plastic cup pieces, and a piece of glass. I carefully picked up all of the trash and placed it in sack bags.The SDG’s that I catered through this experience are clean water and sanitation,climate action,life under water and life on land.The LO’s that I achieved through this experience are:

LO 2

The most difficult challenge I faced during this experience was that most of the garbage was disgusting, but my friends helped me overcome this obstacle. Also, some of the garbage was in the ground, and we had to pull it out with our hands and tools.

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Working in a group is normally difficult for me, but this experience was interesting because each and every one of us was dedicated to this cleanup. Working collaboratively made the work easier because the tasks were divided, and it ensured that the task was completed faster and more efficiently.

LO 6

We worked on several issues, including waste dumps and land pollution, which are major threats to the environment. Plastic, glass, fishing nets, and styrofoam were the most common materials we discovered while cleaning, and the majority of them are not biodegradable. They can be eaten by both land animals (dogs) and aquatic animals (fishes). As a result, it is critical that we take care of and clean our surroundings. Participating in this initiative assisted me in becoming a more responsible citizen.

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