Internship at Essteam

I was an intern at an architecture firm Essteam, for 1 week. I went there to learn about architecture and understand how an architecture firm operates on a daily basis, during a 10-day break that we got in august (8th aug-15th aug). On the first day, I was given the task of understanding what is a good design. In this task, I analysed and observed different types of architecture. I also analysed buildings and spaces from different eras. Doing this internship helped me understand more about architecture and gain relevant work experience, as I want to go into architecture down the line.

This experience primarily reflected the creativity of CAS. This is because I was constantly understanding older designs and analysing them. I was also thinking creatively to learn new software which is used in an architectural workflow. I did interact with my co-workers and interns there, from which I got to know a lot of things about architecture. Such as how much challenging and generally tough architecture colleges can be, especially in making models and going up against the jury. It also involved me learning from my co-workers, how to resolve smaller architectural design problems, such as stairs and ramps. I also interacted with them to know more about life as an architect, which further helped me to clarify the field that I am willing to go in.

LO1 - Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth & LO2 - Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in process

I identified my own strength, which is CAD, especially Sketchup. Therefore, I started to work more on that software. I began to understand smaller details and tricks from my co-workers, who were even more experienced than I was. This allowed me to refine my skill in Sketchup even more which is always a good thing. I was also given the task of drawing the studio and the washroom block in AutoCAD (which is not my forte). This was a daunting challenge for me, as I didn’t know how to use AutoCAD properly before. However, I accepted that challenge and learned AutoCAD while completing the tasks.

LO4 - Show commitment to and perserverance in CAS experiences

However, there are some issues along the way. Sometimes the software just crashed, or something setting would be changed because of some reason for which I didn’t know how to change it back. I still kept on pushing my limits and persevered through the challenges. I was committed to learning the software regardless of the issues that I kept on facing. I was able to do this because of my observation skills and help from my co-workers. I also used the internet to access tutorials and other vital information to learn AutoCAD. I feel great having to take up this challenge, as it pushed my limits of what I could truly be.

LO6 - Demostrate engagement with issues of global significance

Lastly, the firm at which I was interning, had a philosophy of green architecture. They had sustainability included in almost every part of their design language. Soon enough I learned to consider sustainability aspects in all the things that I started to design now. This skill and habit allow me to face and provide a solution to climate change which is an issue of global significance.

To conclude, it was a great learning experience for me to have taken this internship. I learned a lot of new things about architecture. Things like college life, work life, and further opportunities in architecture. I also got to meet Ar. Snehal Shah personally, which allowed me to get further insights into how architecture can be done in such a way that it is sustainable.

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