Beach Cleaning on the World Coastal Cleanup Day



Oceans cover 90% of the livable area on our planet and yet we society as a whole continue to pollute it just because of negligence. Our gratitude towards the marine and coastal ecosystem has been plummeting during this age of cupidity and negligence. But consolingly for me, in the month of September, I was given an opportunity to participate in the world wide drive focused on the cleaning of beaches. I was ready for it. 


Therefore on the World coastal Clean-up day:17th September, I contributed towards the cleaning of the Dumas beach located in Surat city by participating in a beach clean-up event organised by the Surat Municipal Corporation . Amongst the presence of the Surat city’s respectable Mayor – Hemali Boghawala, City’s deputy commissioner – Shri Aayush Oak, (I. A. S.).This act of service helped in improving the environmental setting for the marine and coastal flora and fauna at Dumas beach by putting efforts towards reducing the land and water pollution.


LO 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experience:

In order to make a real impact, things needed to be done appropriately and not without full commitment and perseverance. It was natural for me to give my all as it was my duty , it was a way of showing gratitude towards nature.


LO 5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively:

As mentioned before, in order to make an impact on a  large scale, the initiative is to be taken by a large number of people. There were many people including me sharing the same passion of giving nature what it deserves, hence we worked collectively.  It was easy to work together because of our same goals and passion. Collectively (group of 4-5 people) we were able to collect trash of mass having 2 digits(e.g.12kg, 15kh) while being on our own it was merely in single digit.


LO 6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance:

As said above the marine and coastal ecosystem contributes significantly to the Earth’s share of livable area and contaminating it will only affect the entirety of the Earth and every organism living on it. Marine and Coastal contamination is a global issue because of the prevalence of the problem . But I feel at ease after knowing how many people share the same beliefs as me on this global issue through my CAS activity.


LO 7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions:

While receiving this opportunity I had only two choices ; to participate and to not, and only one of them was an ethical one. I chose the one which was for the betterment of us all.  After the activity I am filled with even more passion for helping towards resolving this global issue.


Final Take Away:

Throughout the activity I became reflective as I realised the cause of this global issue is us humans and nobody else. I had to communicate with my colleagues in order to perform tasks effectively. I started to care for nature even more than before. All of this said, we as a society are still far from achieving total success.

I will try my best to contribute to society further by participating in such activities.


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