Learning to play Flute

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLmFxG0fOXU[/embedyt]


I have always enjoyed listening to the serene music coming out of the flute, the music soothed my emotions and chaos. And soon I felt the urge to learn to play the flute myself. To learn this skill, I looked for various sources and eventually found the right one, ”Easy Flute School”https://www.youtube.com/c/EasyFluteSchool is a Youtube for online flute training initiated by Murtaza Kabir Murad. I started to learn to become a flutist myself. I started to play the flute for about 5h a week and my growth was substantial! 

Learning Outcomes:

LO1. Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth:

Soon after I started to learn this skill I realized that my ears were able to recognize notes by playing the same note over and over while hearing or humming it. I also had a weakness of shortness of breath, as blowing capacity requirement to play good flute is high. It was important for me to know this early during the course as, then I will be able to work on my weaknesses efficiently and effectively through practice.

LO2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills:

There were many challenges that came in the way along the track of learning this prestigious instrument, many of which were regarding the sheer practice required to do anything even on a basic level. I knew the only way to overcome these challenges was to give it more time, and that with time things get better. After knowing what I learned over the period, I realized that I now have a better understanding and control over my mental and emotional mind.

LO3: Initiate and plan CAS experience

Embarking on the journey of learning the flute through “Easy Flute School” on YouTube, initiated by Murtaza Kabir Murad, required careful planning and commitment. Allocating 5 hours per week, I discovered strengths, like note recognition, and weaknesses, such as breath control, early in the process (LO1). Facing challenges in mastering basic flute techniques, I demonstrated perseverance and resilience (LO2, LO4), realizing the gradual nature of skill development. This CAS experience contributed to my balanced well-being, enhancing physical health and providing emotional soothing. Additionally, it fueled my inquisitiveness, altering my perspective on traditional music. Overall, the initiation and planning of this musical journey not only developed my flute-playing skills but also enriched my self-awareness, perseverance, and curiosity.

LO4. Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experience:

As said above, learning to play flute required plenty of practice to do anything even to the basic level and so to fulfill that  need perseverance was needed, there were   many incidents where I was unable to perform what I intended to, but again with times things get better.

Final Takeaway:

I developed two of the learner profile’s attributes: 

Balanced: As by choosing this experience I learned to not only maintain my physical health(Playing flute notably promotes good posture, proper healthy breathing, core strength ,finger dexterity, and hand control) but mental health too(emotional soothing..).

Inquirer: I tried to find out about many different aspects and elements of instrumental music and music itself.

After learning so much about instrumental music, I changed my generic modern perspective on traditional music saying that it is boring..

I also feel better about myself now that I know I can manage my mental health better with the help of playing the flute.

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