Beach Cleaning

On the International Coastal Day, I was a part of the huge beach cleaning campaign that took place in Surat. I was a part of the beach cleaning that took place specifically in Dumas, where we were expected to clean the trash that had been dumped on the Dumas Beach by collecting and gathering it from the various places on the beach where it had been carelessly thrown.

LOs met:

  • LO4
    I showed perseverance and commitment towards the toiling task of beach cleaning, where we had to walk around for long distances, and clean the trash from the various places across the beach.
  • LO5
    Cleaning an entire beach cannot be done individually. Thus, it had to be done in groups of people, where we collaborated with each other in the process by collecting and gathering the trash together in groups.
  • LO6
    This CAS experience dealt with the issue of trash-filled beaches which occur due to the carelessness of people who throw litter on the beaches without thinking of the possible repercussions it could potentially have on the environment. Dirty and filthy coastal areas is a matter of global significance. Trash piling up in the beaches could end up as marine litter, affecting the marine organisms and marine ecosystems as a whole. Thus trash-filled beaches are affecting the environment and is a threat to sustainability.
  • LO7
    By becoming a part of this beach cleaning campaign, I made myself a part of this good social cause in order to save the oceans by protecting them from pollutants which jeopardise the ocean life. Due to its benefit for the society, this choice which I made was ethical, considering my contribution to the sustainability of the environment.

This CAS experience has provided me an insight about an environmental issue that is a matter of great concern. Through this CAS experience, I have realised about the huge amounts of trash we throw on the beaches, and the potential negative impacts that it can have on our environment.


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