CAS Experience 1 – School Community Service

Our school offers its students with an opportunity every year to be a part of a Community Service Program. Students can choose different activities or skills they would want to teach underprivileged children, such as ICT skills, football, basketball, robotic, etc. Due to my inclination towards technology and especially programming, I chose to teach the underprivileged children ICT skills. I was part of a team of volunteers from our school all working under the supervision of Kiran Sir. We all together came up with an end goal of teaching the children basic programming.

Through this experience I planned to achieve multiple Learning Outcomes and cater to multiple Sustainable Development Goals. The Sustainable Development Goal that this experience caters to is SDG 4 : Quality Education.

This CAS Experience caters to multiple learning outcomes.

LO1 : Since we had to work in a team it was important to divide our tasks. To do this we all had to put forth our own strengths and weaknesses in order to efficiently divide our tasks. This was a moment where I had to identify my own strengths and weaknesses.

LO3 : As mentioned previously, it was important to plan ahead of time what we would teach the children in the upcoming sessions. There were 6 sessions spanning 3 weeks and due to such a limited time and a lot of content to cover up our plans needed to be rigorous.

LO5 : It is always helpful to be working with others, because everyone has a different set of skills all of which can come together to complete a single task in a much better way. This experience did require me to work collaboratively with others, which ended up helping me due to the distribution of work.

LO6 : Lack of quality education or even education is a serious problem in the world, especially in developing countries. This not only caters to academic needs but also to cocurricular and extra curricular activities. This experience was a great opportunity for me to contribute towards this global issue.

Through this activity I developed a few learner profile attributes. Two LPs were Communicator and Caring. Being one of the few members of my group to be able to speak Gujarati (preferred language of the children), I had a vital role to play, since I had the responsibility of passing on the a lot of the content / information. Since the children were in a new environment one where they may not initially be comfortable, we had to make sure that the children could convey their doubts and suggestions without hesitating. Doing this again, I would want have a few more days, since it would allow for better learning.

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