CAS Experience 7 – Rural Immersion Trip to Ambapani

As part of the Rural Immersion Trip, I visited the Ambapani village in Gujarat. As part of the 6-day trip, I explored the local culture by visiting a few locals’ houses and the market where people from all nearby villages would purchase their monthly rations. As part of the trip, I also did some activities […]

CAS Project – Pi Day Stall Leader

An event that all Maths Enthusiasts at Fountainhead School wait for is the celebration of Pi Day on 14th March which happens to also be Albert Einstein’s Birthday. It is important to have such events to maintain enthusiasm in students. As part of 2023’s celebration, I served as one of two stall leaders. I was […]

CAS Experience 6 – University Fair Volunteering

Fountainhead School frequently organizes University Fairs for its high school students, where representatives of multiple Universities (from and outside of India) come to the school and answer the questions that the students have. This enables students to engage with these Universities and understand their criteria for admission, allowing them to better plan their time to […]

CAS Experience 4 – Trekking and Rappelling in Nature Camp

Every year students are taken on a Nature Camp (Trip). After 2 years of Pandemic, the school took us on a trip this time too. This time school took us on a trip to Mount Abu, where multiple activities such as Trekking, Mountain Climbing, Caving and Rappelling were planned.   Through this CAS Experience I […]

CAS Experience 1 – School Community Service

Our school offers its students with an opportunity every year to be a part of a Community Service Program. Students can choose different activities or skills they would want to teach underprivileged children, such as ICT skills, football, basketball, robotic, etc. Due to my inclination towards technology and especially programming, I chose to teach the […]