CAS Project – Pi Day Stall Leader

An event that all Maths Enthusiasts at Fountainhead School wait for is the celebration of Pi Day on 14th March which happens to also be Albert Einstein’s Birthday. It is important to have such events to maintain enthusiasm in students. As part of 2023’s celebration, I served as one of two stall leaders. I was responsible for looking over all volunteers and the work they had done for their own stalls.

LO1 : It is important to know your own strengths to make sure that you can leverage them and it is also important to know your own weaknesses to make sure that you can work on them. A strength of mine is coming up with ideas, which I liberated through the planning and organizing of the event. A weakness of mine is figuring out ways to implement these ideas, which I tried to learn from other volunteers and leaders.

LO3 : Since the event was supposed to last for a few hours, we had to make plan properly for it. We had everything from the layout of the stalls, to the posters for each stall ready to install before the day of the event. The most difficult part was the planning, since we all had to agree upon one thing and then plan it out completely.

LO4 : We all worked on the planning for over a month and met almost everyday to think think about different aspects of the event.

LO5 : I usually do not face problems when working with others. I especially like to work with others since it always teaches me new things. Considering the scale of the event, cooperation within the organizing committee was needed and we needed to compensate for each others weaknesses. The major benefit of working collectively is that no one is burdened immensely with the work, and everyone can do the tasks that they are best fit to do.

LO7 : We had about 12 stalls in place, which would all have required posters and charts, requiring a lot of printed paper and resources. Although no one perceived this as a major problem since everyone was already in the mindset of using as little resources as possible, while fulfilling the need of materials and resources.

The learner profile attribute I developed through this CAS Project was Thinker. Being responsible for a lot of the planning of the event, I had to think for ideas for the event and also the planning.

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