Farewell of 2023

Title: A Fond Farewell to 2023: My Journey in CAS

As I bid adieu to the year 2023, I find myself reflecting on the culmination of my experiences in Creativity, Activity, and Service (CAS). The farewell event of 2023 was not just a goodbye to seniors; it was a moment of personal growth and collaboration. In this blog post, I’ll take you through my own journey, identifying my strengths, areas for growth, and the lessons learned from working collaboratively. Additionally, I’ll share the learning profile and attributes that I demonstrated during this memorable event.

Identifying My Strengths and Developing Areas for Growth

One of the most valuable aspects of my CAS journey has been the opportunity to uncover my strengths and areas for growth. The farewell event of 2023 was a pivotal moment for me to recognize and reflect upon these aspects of my learning.

Strengths Revealed:

During the planning and execution of the event, I discovered several strengths within myself. My organizational skills shone through as I helped manage the logistics of the event. I found that I had a knack for public speaking, which was a pleasant surprise. Moreover, my creative side came to light when I contributed ideas for the farewell program. This event reaffirmed that each of us possesses unique talents that can contribute to the success of a team effort.

Areas for Growth:

Simultaneously, the event also highlighted areas where I needed to grow. I realized that I could improve my time management skills to ensure the event ran even more smoothly. Learning to delegate tasks more effectively and trust my peers to carry out their responsibilities was another valuable lesson I took away from this experience.

Demonstrating My Collaborative Skills and Recognizing Its Benefits

Collaboration has been a cornerstone of my CAS journey, and the farewell event of 2023 provided a perfect opportunity for me to put my collaborative skills to the test.

Skills Demonstrated:

Working closely with my peers, I demonstrated various skills essential for successful collaboration. Effective communication was key in ensuring everyone was on the same page, and my problem-solving abilities were put to the test in addressing unexpected challenges. The event was a tangible demonstration of how teamwork and collaboration can lead to successful outcomes.

Benefits of Collaboration:

The event underscored the numerous benefits of collaboration. By pooling our ideas, talents, and resources, we were able to create a memorable and enjoyable farewell for all. The sense of accomplishment and camaraderie that resulted from our collaborative efforts was a testament to the value of working together towards a common goal.

Learning Profile and Attributes Demonstrated

Throughout the farewell event, I exhibited several attributes and aspects of my learning profile that are at the core of the CAS program:

  1. Reflective Thinking: I took time to reflect on my strengths and areas for growth, making a conscious effort to learn from my experiences and improve myself.
  2. Open-Mindedness: I embraced new ideas and perspectives during the planning phase, ensuring that the event was inclusive and accommodating to all.
  3. Principled: I upheld principles of fairness, integrity, and responsibility throughout the planning and execution of the event, setting a positive example for my peers.

In conclusion, the farewell event of 2023 was not just a moment of celebration but also a reflection of my personal growth, my collaborative spirit, and my embodiment of the CAS learning profile and attributes. As I bid adieu to seniors’ year, I carry with me the valuable lessons and experiences gained, knowing that they will continue to shape my personal and academic journey.

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