CAS Experience 3 – Cooking

Along side academics and knowledge, it is also important to learn and practice life skills. Life skills include a variety of things, such as cooking, self defense, etc. Food, being a necessity for life, and cooking being considered a survival skill, it is really important to know how to cook certain dishes, keeping in mind both nutritional value and taste.

I wanted to learn to cook something that I would like. And having a fancy for Eggs, I decided to learn how to cook a variety of eggs. I enrolled for a course from a well known cooking institute in order to learn to cook from source material.

LO1 : I have never cooked, my only experience with the stove has been to make tea. For this reason I really needed to develop kitchen skills in order to be able to learn to cook good food. Knowing this weakness I decided to enroll for a course that would help me learn to cook from the basics.

LO2 : Learning something new, especially a skillful activity such as cooking, is always challenging, but it is also a very fun process. It was challenging mainly due to my lack of experience in cooking. Now that I have learnt a few cooking related skills, I not only feel more comfortable in to cook but also am eager to learn more dishes that I can cook.

LO4 : To learn to cook I had to complete an extensive course which required me to do something essentially everyday and learn from my previous mistakes and correct them the next time.

I really enjoyed doing this CAS experience. This was because I really like to eat eggs, and having learnt how to cook them myself, it feels like a huge achievement. Also tasting each dish that I prepared was a bonus for me.

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