CAS Experience 6 – University Fair Volunteering

Fountainhead School frequently organizes University Fairs for its high school students, where representatives of multiple Universities (from and outside of India) come to the school and answer the questions that the students have. This enables students to engage with these Universities and understand their criteria for admission, allowing them to better plan their time to inculcate activities that may increase the chances of admissions in the university they want. I had volunteered in organizing the GLOBAL UNIVERSITY FAIR, which took place on 16th November, 2022, I was appointed the work of Crowd, Venue and Food Management.

During this experience I covered a lot of the Learning Outcomes.

LO2 : Since there were a lot of universities setup in 2 different locations in the school, the planning and distribution of work needed to be done much before the event in order to avoid any confusion in the event. Alongside this, students from 4 grades were to come attend the event, and my responsibility as the Crowd and Venue manager was to make sure the crowd was as dispersed as possible and also help out members of the audience in guiding them to the university they are looking for.

LO3 : All volunteers, including me, had to come up with a plan and layout of the event to make sure that the event sailed smoothly. Even though we had to come up with a rigorous plan, it was the easy part, actually implementing the plan on the day of the event with so many university representatives and such a huge audience was a completely different challenge altogether.

LO5 : Considering the number of people we had to handle, we needed to work together to avoid any chaos in the organization side of the event. We all had divided our work such that in the absence of one volunteer others could manage the event such that the event proceeded as seamlessly as possible.



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