Doing a Financial analyst course

Undertaking a financial analyst course on was a challenging yet rewarding experience. The course covered accounting principles, advanced Microsoft Sheets usage, and real-life case studies. Balancing my studies and activities was a challenge, but I was determined to complete the course and gain the knowledge and skills required for a career in finance.

The course taught me how to prepare financial statements, analyze financial data, and create financial forecasts. Additionally, I gained proficiency in Microsoft Sheets, an essential tool for financial analysts. The real-life case studies allowed me to apply my knowledge to practical situations.

Overall, the experience taught me valuable skills and knowledge that I can use in my future career. It also helped me develop my time management and organizational skills. Despite the challenges, completing the course was a fulfilling experience that allowed me to gain knowledge and skills that I will be able to use in the future.



LO1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

During the course, I gained ample amount of knowledge. I filled up the gaps about accounting which I always had, providing me an opportunity for the future. Moreover, while working the real life examples and statements provided I was able to quickly find the overall economic state of the company. This directly meant that the knowledge I gain was useful, and turned out to be on of my strength.

LO2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills

The challenge which I took on was managing my time. Along with my studies and the day to day acitives I somewhere had to fit in the course. It was a 20 hour course and I had to plan accordingly. However, I was determined to persevere and gain the knowledge and skills required for a career in finance. By completing the course, I was able to develop new skills in financial analysis and Microsoft Sheets, which will be valuable in my future career.


LO4 – Show commitment to and perseverance in activities:

Balancing my studies and activities was a challenge, but I was committed to completing the financial analyst course. I attended multiple sessions in one go on the weekened and worked hard to complete the assignments and case studies. This helped me build my resilience and perseverance towards achieving my goals, this also showed myself how I can complete and perform tasks, if I am heavily motivated and focused.




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