CAS Experience 5 – FSMUN 9.0

Fountainhead School holds a Model United Nations committee every year, FSMUN. This year the school hosted FSMUN 9.0. I was Delegate of India in the UNOOSA Committee. This was a great experience for me, since I got to learn many new things about India which I had never known before and many of these things shocked me.

Through this CAS experience I have met many of the Learning Outcomes.

LO3 : I had entered the first day of the committee with a few of my speeches already written and all arguments preplanned. This made all committee session easier for me because the preplanning allowed me to reply to other delegates without wasting any time.

LO4 : The reason this experience was difficult for me was because I was not aware at all of the proceedings of an MUN so I had to improvise on my strategies continually so that I could adapt to the new rules that I found out.

LO5 : I had collaborated with other delegates who were representing the allies of India, this allowed me to influence their decisions and make the situation favorable for India.

LO6 : The topic of the committee was the use of space weapons in International Defense, which is a serious Global Issue and if the problem escalates, the situation around the planet could get much worse many people could also potentially lose their lives.

LO7 : The ethics of a situation such as an MUN are debatable, since it is a serious problem that the fate of the world lies in the hands of a few people (the delegates). But on the contrary this is a very important event since it encourages students to research about such global issues and gain knowledge about international affairs.



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