
The game of chess can be so much fun that some people devote most of their waking time to the game. For me, it became more and more interesting and compelling as time went on. I could relate chess with life; for example, chess is a game where every decision made has an impact on the remaining game and just like in life, one decision can land someone in a horrible situation and change their whole life forever. In both chess and life, our possible paths are practically infinite. I have been playing chess since the past 5-6 years as a hobby and have participated in various tournaments both in and out of my school. Some of my major achievements are: 2nd rank in khel Mahakumbh 2019, 2nd rank in district 2019, and 5th rank in a chess tournament organised by AICF( All India Chess Federation) and SMCA (South Mumbai Chess Association), 2021. 

LO-1-Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

Chess is a game which not only requires skill but consistency. I have definitely felt that my skills have improved overtime. Also, I would like to highlight one of my weaknesses in this game; getting easily intimidated. When I was younger, I always felt that I was likely to loose against a person older than me or having more experience. This thought was a prominent reason for me losing most of those games. However, I gradually realised that this thought (or caveat) is futile. This realisation helped me a lot to boost my confidence and play without getting daunted by the opponent.

LO-2-Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills

One of the major challenges I faced was the affect of pandemic on chess globally. Until early 2020, chess was a game mainly known to be played offline (person to person). However, the shift from offline to online was so sudden that it was hard for me, and likely other players too, to adapt to it initially. This became a challenge for me. To overcome this, I took online coaching for chess, played it on apps and tried to solve online puzzles. Although it was difficult to adapt, I got the hang of it eventually. This challenge developed one of my most important skills, Adaptation; which is useful not only in the game of chess, but the outside world too. I could relate this to the online school system, where it didn’t become a major obstacle for me due to the experience gained from chess. 

LO-4-Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience.

As mentioned earlier, chess is a demanding game, requiring a lot of commitment and perseverance. It was difficult for me to manage studies, school projects and chess. But because of this challenge, I developed another useful skill of time-management. Time management not only helps in doing things, but it makes the work done more efficient. This skill too is helping me a lot currently, thanks to the difficulties I faced.

Final Takeaway:-

In conclusion, I will continue my hobby of chess, sharpen my skills, and gain more experience by participating in upcoming competitions. 


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