Event coordinator for FS got talent

I have been a fan of drama since my childhood. I loved drama and other drama related artforms and would always take part in competitions and talent events whenever I would find one. This is the reason I wanted to coordinate and event like this for my CAS experience, to understand the effort that goes behind organizing these events. I, along with 3 other coordinators had the responsibility of working together to manage most aspects of the event. We had done most of the work including: marketing, rolling out forms, designing posters and other graphics, decoration(with the help of a few volunteers), designing of the flow of the event, and even selecting categories and performances.

LO1(Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth)-

This experience made me reflect my strengths and weaknesses. I am good at designing graphic elements like posters, hence I took responsibilities concerning that. I am also good at public speaking and is the reason that I hosted most of the event by myself. However, I am not good at planning decorations and others things like that, which was done my other coordinators. This experience showed me that I have a few strengths and weaknesses and that I should do whatever I am good at.

LO2(Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills)-

I had done such an event planning and organizing for the first time and it was a bit challenging considering the amount of work we had to do in less time, while continuing are studies parallelly. I mentioned above that I should do whatever I am good at, however, I learned that I should also also try out new things, like designing the flow of the event, which I thought would be challenging, but still did it with ease along with another coordinator. I also didn’t think I could anchor all alone and had planned to do it in pairs, but in those circumstances, I had to face that challenge and was successful in doing so. This taught me to always challenge myself and set the bar a few inches above my level.

LO3(Initiate and plan a CAS experience)-

The event required me to plan a lot before hand so that I could initiate it with success. The planning was a bit harder for me as I didn’t have any experience of it. I also had to organize my time for studies and the event coordination which I could do considering it was the beginning of the  term. However, if I ever do an event like this again in between or at the end of a term, then I would have to allocate my time better because of the workload of studies being more at that time.

LO4(Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience)-

Considering that it was the first event that I ever undertook, I wanted it to be successful and hence was committed towards it. I came in early ins, worked with the teachers and other coordinators, and all of us(coordinators) were working without breaks on D-day because we all wanted the event to be a success. The talent show was also a pilot, being the first one to ever happen in our school, hence we were more motivated to work hard so that such event repeat in the future.

LO5(Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively)-

All 4 coordinators(in total), me and my 3 grade-mates, worked together without any major problems. We divided our roles and responsibilities according to our strengths and weaknesses and everyone worked in sync. There were some times when teamwork was a little weak and we missed a few deadlines given to us, however we all bounced back, reworked on our strategies, and completed our tasks quickly leaving a very less margin of error at the end of the event.


While the event planning we had demonstrated the following learner profile attributes:

Thinkers- Critical thinking skills for developing strategies and ideas to make the event lucrative. Creative thinking skills while making and doing the decoration, sorting different categories of artforms to be selected for the final even, creative marketing strategies and a humorous anchoring to make the event fun and enjoyable.

Communicators- Communicating with the other coordinators, volunteers, school faculty and participants to make event possible.

Balanced- Balancing out time and effort for studies and event.

Reflective- Reflecting on mistakes and deadlines, and doing the task accordingly in the future.


The event was a great success at the end and the audience enjoyed a lot. Especially when for the fashion show, children of grade 7 who were completely unprepared, dressed up in a rush to mimic the fashion show preceding to it. They didn’t have the skill and experience to do the same, however their goofiness and charm enthralled the audience and everyone burst into tears with laughter. It was the highlight of the event and was the show stopper. The event taught me a lot about different styles and ways people express themselves as I saw the performances parallel to hosting. It taught me to take up new challenges and to always cherish such experiences.

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