Data Analysis Course (Creativity)

I am planning to choose a carrer field under economics and hence want to learn about Data Analysis. During this course I will learn about Companies like Samsonite and how they use data to derive insights about their sales to create a action plan which can help them boost their sales. This was a 15 day authorized course from Clever Harvey . My goal was learn about Data Analysis and try to determine my intrest and potiental in this field.



As this course was potiental carrer deciding moment in my life , i figured out various streghts and weaknesess during it . I discovered how I can intrepret various types of data and come to conclusions whereas organizing the data and working with different apps and websites is my weak point .It is very important for me to know my streghts so that i can use them to work on my weaknesess. Through out the 15 days i worked hard to overcome my weakness my adapting to special websites for data analysis like GDS(Google Data Studio).


The Course was challenging for me at various instances . It was challenging for me to commit to it, dedicate time out of my vacation , Manage my time to priortize the course and working online. The reason it was challenging because it is the first time i experienced such course and such topic. During these challenges i devloped various skills with helped me overcome challenges. Skills like time managment and Online working skills.



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