Yoga and Detox Program (Activity)

In my diwali vacation , me and my family travelled to  Shankus Natural Health Centre where we attended a 5 day authorized Yoga and Detox Program. During this program we did Yoga sessions , Detox programs , Massages and a Healthy Diet . The Goal of this Cas experience was to get the body detoxed and learn more about myself . I also worked on myself physically and mentally.



I undertook various challenges while attending this program . This program tested my patience and forced me to commit .It was challenging as the diet and the routine was very strict and testing. We had to wake up a 5 pm to start the detox . I didn’t do anything like this before.It is important to undertake these challenges to test one’s commitment and patience . In the process new skills were devloped by me . I also demonstrated learner profiles such as Balanced , Inquirers and Reflective


This CAS experience was difficult  for me as all the things were new for me and tough for me to follow. It took me time to adapt to the enviourment there as it was very different from where i live. Commitment towards myself , my physical health and my mental health was needed to overcome the difficulties i faced.




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