Beach Cleaning (Service)

As a Service for my CAS project , I selected Beach Cleaning. On the “World Coastal Clean Up Day” I was one of the hundreds volunteeres who helped clean up the Dariya Ganesh Beach in Surat. The purpose of this experience was to connect with the nature my helping it and to raise awarness amongs people about the importance of clean beaches and costal areas.



This activity made me commited towards taking a step to save nature or even to make small sustinable changes in my life . This CAS experience tested my patience as I had pick up trash of the beach on a hot sunny day for hours , but it also made me appriciate nature . It is important for me to show commitment to things so that those things have a impact on my life . For Example , Cleaning the beach with commitment and perseverance has ignited a flame in me with appreciates nature and in some ways tries to revolve my life around it so that nature can be preserved 


The global issue is how people litter around costal areas , where know one notices, and dirty the areas where marine life exists . This is a major issue as this litter soon ends up in the water causing harm to the marine life causing them to die or suffer miserably. Further more this contaminates the water and soil which is both bad for the animals as well as humans.Working towards solving this issue by the help of CAS makes me feel encouraged and impowered . Although my service towards the society is just a small step , it affects my life and helps me make overall changes in my routine as well . This also raises awarness which helpes more and more people contribute towards sustainability .


Working to solve a global issue is a huge step and thats why every peice of garbage we picked up was a step in the right direction. On the world coastal clean up day , contributing to clean the beach, our every action had ethical motive and was taken considering it had no consequence . It was important for us to be an example for others by cleaning the beach , so we made sure that our actions reflect positively to the society , and that youth like us also contribute to make the world a better place.




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