Robin Hood Army ( Service)

Robin Hood Army is a Non Profit Organization which helps poor people people in various ways . Thorugh education , food donation and clothes donation as well . Any intrested person can join the RHA group and willingly over service. I also joined as one of the participant to give some of my time to this huge project.


RHA caters to global issues like lack of education , poverty and hunger . I went of education drives as well as food distribution drives. During education drives i taught 6 to 9 year olds about maths , multiplication and writting. Food drives happened when there was excees food calls and we distributed that food in selected areas. Hence during this CAS experince i demonstarted engagment with global issues.


Acting in a positive way for a positive cause , it was important that my actions were right . Every action i took during the drives were taken considering the effects so that it has a positive relfection in the society . I also reconsidered the choices i made and questioned myself about how ethical my actions were . This helped me to donate and help the people with a right mindset and not with a attitude of doing it just for the sake of it .








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