Alchemy Charity Flea

The motto of this flea was to provide an enjoyable and memorable time for underprivileged children and bring delight to children’s faces. I assisted in arranging the flea by organizing and selling clothes, toys, stationery items, etc., which the children bought with the coupons given. They bought clothes, toys, etc, played games, danced, and did art and craft. Thus, the event was a success as we could achieve our goal.

Learning outcomes achieved :

LO 2 : Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

A challenge for me was to communicate with them. I usually find it difficult to talk in a large group of people. I had to step out of my comfort zone and interact with them. Towards the end of the experience, my communication abilities developed. Further, my organisational skills also improved by making sure that everything was kept in its respective stalls and neatly organised.

LO 3 : Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

An important aspect of the event was the planning. I was involved in the event’s planning and organizing. I assisted them in organizing the stalls for clothing, toys, and shoes with the help of other volunteers. I also helped create the coupons.

LO 5 : Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

Working collaboratively was an essential component throughout the experience. In a short time, we had a lot to accomplish. We divided the task among ourselves which became an effortless and quick process. Sorting out things like clothing, accessories, stationery and toys in their respective stalls was a task, but doing it collaborative made it much easier. Moreover, the kids were so enthusiastic and eager to buy everything that it started to become a little chaotic. Yet because of the collective efforts, we were able to successfully manage the event

LO 7 : Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and action

During this experience, we had to keep our choices and action in our minds. We must be patient with them and show them kindness irrespective of their economic status. It was essential to be friendly at the same time be respectful to them.

Overall, the event was a great success, we made ethical choices throughout the event. I developed new skills and improved upon my weakness. I’m glad I took part in this flea because it benefited me personally and brought smiles to children’s faces.

Evidence :

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