Entrepreneurship course

I did a 15-day course of Entrepreneurship from Clever Harvey where I learned various aspects of an Entrepreneur like understanding customer problems, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), customer channels and relationships and so on. This course allowed me to brainstorm new ideas and experience various corporate roles and develop the skills like strategic thinking, problem-solving and decision-making of an entrepreneur.

Learning outcome achieves during this experience :

LO 1 : Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth

One of the strengths was that I was already familiar with a few concepts of an entrepreneur like economies of scale, cost structure, CEO objectives and competitive advantage of an entrepreneur. I had already done these concepts in my BM classes which helped me comprehend them more thoroughly during the experience. Further, I realized that my management skills were great, I was able to finish all the given tasks before the deadline.

LO 2 : Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

Sharing my perspectives with others has always been one of my weaknesses, but this course allowed me to come out of my comfort zone. Further, I became a better communicator and a good listener.The challenge I took up while doing this course was coming up with a creative and innovative business plan that addresses the problems that the customers’ encountrered in the practical world. It was completely new for me and a bit challenging.

LO 4 : Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experience

In the course, I had to show my commitment and perseverance to create a shark-tank style business pitch for mutliply ventures since it was an essential component of the course. I had the responsibility to update the presentation each day, which would consume most of my time. Moreover, I was keen to learn new concepts every day however there were times I didn’t feel like attending the class because as soon I came home from school just after I get fresh, it was time to attend the class. I used to be exhausted. Nevertheless, I attended each class, and as mentioned I was determined to learn new concepts and skills. Hence it demonstrates my commitment and perseverance towards the CAS experience.

LO 5 : Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

We had to create a business pitch and present it on our last day of the course. As a result, we were divided into groups which personally helped me to ace the course. Working as a team has its advantages – it enables the team to share innovative ideas, and we were able to come up with numerous ideas which also helped me make a critical thinker. Moreover, the responsibilities of the task were divided equally so the work is done effectively and efficiently. Also, as a team, we were able to help each other whenever needed.

LO7 : Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

I had to consider about the ethics of every decision and action I took throughout the entire experience. This entails meeting all deadline for tasks given, participating enthusiastically, and respecting the opinions of my colleagues and the course instructor.

Overall, it was a fruitful and knowledgeable course.

Evidence :Certificate





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