Learn Crochet

Crochet is a handicraft in which yarn is made up into textured fabric by a hooked needle. In this CAS i learned  crochet from crochetier as a beginner. As a outcome I learned  different crochet stiches, make projects, learned about materials and tools and specific terminologies related to crochet. I have spended a hour until a month to learn crocheting. At the end of experience I created my own design idea in order to prove that I have successfully completed course.

LO 1:Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

In this experience, I developed my fine motor coordination skills. Crocheting patterns with hands and coordinating with eyes. Learning crochet helped me relax after my day has been too busy so at that time I could just sit with hook and yarn and get lost in stitches and experience bliss of seeing a project. In this whole time I strengthened my patience. Crocheted scarf has thousands of stitches and it requires patience to make it a perfect crochet. Crocheting made me feel calmer and happier. It improved my concentration and memory. When I made a mistake while crocheting, it made me anxious because I had to remove the stitch and make it again. But at the end I am glad to learn something out of my comfort zone.

LO 2:Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

The most challenging thing was deciding correct hand position for crocheting. Holding crochet has many position and we can choose the comfortable one.  In the beginning my hand suppose to pain because we have constantly hold hook and yarn to make stitches. But later I developed it and found comfortable position for me. Learning crocheting was something out of the box for me. I have never done anything like this before. I feel I have discovered the creative me in myself. I feel like acquire new skills motivates and developed me to do something more out of my comfort zone. The more we learn, we grow more which keeps us open to new opportunities in life.

LO 3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

So in this CAS I spended 1 hour each day until a month. Spending a hour each day was sometime not possible or harder for me but I covered that when  I got free time. And it was productive to crochet instead of scrolling or browsing on social media. As a beginner I made many mistakes, so it took bit more time to complete then the deadline. I think It would be covered if I had planned from beginning.


Learner profiles developed during crocheting:-

Inquirer-I was curious to learn crocheting because I have never done anything like this before. Which make me eager and engaged in process.

Thinker-I applied thinking skills critically and creatively to learn crochet. Also I learned from mistakes that helped me develop new skills.

Finally, at the end of this project I made a scarf in which I used single stitch and half double crochet stitch. I tried to use different colors and a pattern like the green color has five lines of crochet, then pink has four, yellow has 3 and brown has 2, then I again repeated the pattern until pink color. This activity made me feel a sense of accomplishment and enjoyment at the end.


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