Beach Cleaning

On 17 September 2022 Surat Municiple Corporation organised an event at Dariya Ganesh Beach(Dumas Beach) on the occasion of Coastal clean up day and I participated in this event and helped clean up Dariya Ganesh beach. This CAS experience catters to service aspect of CAS as I helped clean the environment.

This event was organised early in the morning. We reported the beach at 7:00 AM where we were given tools like broom, garbage bag, gloves etc. to clean up the beach. Using those tools we started picking up litter first then we removed the plastic mats which were stuck beneath the sand at the beach.We continued to clean the beach for 2 hours. After 2 hours of the beach was much cleaner than before due to the efforts of everyone who participated including me.

I chose to do this CAS as I have been surrounded by sustainability all of the time. In school we are always taught to be sustainable and help increase sustainability around us due to which I wanted to do something by which I can contribute towards sustainability which made me want to do this as a CAS experience.

While I was doing this CAS I covered various Learning outcomes which are as follows

LO4 – Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

I showed commitment and perseverance in pulling plastic mats out from the ground which are stuck beneath the sand at the beach, which do not break down for years and cause land pollution .

LO5 – Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

A whole beach cannot be cleaned by single person so of course I took help of my friends and we worked collaboratively using different tools to clean the beach and pick out trash. Some of my friends and I used combined strength to pull out the plastic mats stuck beneath the sand and then others gathered those mats and kept it in a bin bag so that it can be easy to carry those mats to places where they can be recycled.

LO6 – Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

Land pollution is an issue which is faced globally where people through garbage randomly anywhere without caring if the garbage is harmful for the land or not. Beach is also one of those areas. Also,  In places like India there are many activities which happen at beaches which involves animals like horses. These animals do not know what to eat or what not to eat. They usually eat whatever they see on the ground and in those items also comes toxic garbage like plastic which are really harmful for their health. So,  by cleaning the beach I contributed towards the cleanliness of the beach and healthcare of those animals

LO7 -  Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions

As mentioned above, by cleaning the beach I eliminated possible harm for the animals involved in activities at beach. Also, I contributed in eliminating the harm towards life under water as the garbage might have entered water body near the beach which could have lead to serious health conditions of aquatic life if they consumed these garbage or could have lead to water pollution.


For the evidence we got a certificate for participation whose image is given below:-

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