CAS experience on doodling


LO1: Strength Development: This experience helped me develop my artistic skills, allowing me to express myself creatively through doodling.

LO2: Embracing Challenges: I challenged myself by taking the initiative to host a doodling learning program for others, stepping outside my comfort zone.

LO3: CAS Experience Planning: This project involved initiating and planning the entire doodling program, including learning the techniques myself and preparing the learning materials.

LO7: Ethical Considerations: Hosting the workshop responsibly and ethically was crucial. I carefully considered how my choices and actions would impact the participants and ensured they had a positive and productive learning experience.

The Doodling Journey: My creative CAS experience involved learning object doodling, a unique style involving drawing objects using specific techniques.

Learning Process: We began by learning to draw individual objects (flowers, petals) from various perspectives (front view, top view). This foundation enabled us to create more complex artwork like bouquets and posies, applying the skills on various surfaces like cards, bookmarks, and even walls. We also explored different color techniques while doodling.

Personal Growth: Through this experience, I discovered that art, despite its seemingly simple techniques, holds immense creative potential. It showed me that artistic expression can be achieved using just a pen and paper, but can also be expanded to various mediums like colors, walls, and markers. The program helped me overcome my creative limitations and instilled the confidence to explore my own artistic ideas and styles. Moreover, I learned to embrace the challenge of creating something solely from my imagination, further developing my creative thought process. This experience has shaped me into a more creative individual who can better appreciate and utilize the boundless possibilities of artistic expression.

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