Teaching Grade 10 Digital students (Service)

I am very fond of teaching. It is one of my favorite hobbies, and I am even considering it as a career option. Moreover, I have a good grasp of digital design and its assessment structure so have much advice to pass on. That is why I approached Tulsa ma’am to inquire if I can teach DD to G10 students for a few guest sessions. They agreed and I got the opportunity to teach digital design concepts and report writing for the term end.

Learning Outcome 1

During teaching I realized that I myself had much to learn. Through the different perspectives of the students, I got to know many new perspectives about how a report could be written along with the different strategies that I could have use while writing my own MYP digital design e-assessment.

Learning Outcome 2

While teaching I discovered just how troublesome grade 10 students are, their mischief was so extreme that it made me apologies to my previous teacher. I had to overcome that challenge to transfer my knowledge to the students in every guest session of mine.

Learning Outcome 3 & 4

I was completely responsible for planning all the guest sessions, Planning included the agenda of the session as well as one or two activities for the session. It at times took me 3-4 days to plan the sessions in advance for the multiple guest sessions I took.

Teaching taught me many things about how to communicate my ideas and experience to other students and people like. It made me an overall better communicator.

Photos of me taking the sessions

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