I participated in IPMUN held at Surat for 2 days. I represented IP, the International Press committee, as a delegate. The IP committee was a lot of fun and fascinating since we had to look into a lot of committees, including the Lok Sabha, the UNHRC, the UNHSC, and the UNOOSA. The council activities had to be documented or recorded so that we could post it as breaking news on social media. At the end of the MUN, we were required to submit a report on the conference’s activities. 

LO 1: Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth
Participating in the MUN was very fun. It helped me improvise my communication, and time management skills and made me develop more of my social skills. 

LO 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process
It was challenging for me to manage my time because I had to attend the MUN for two days straight, from morning until night. It was difficult to submit the reports on time as well. I gained a lot of journalism knowledge from the IP committee. It was necessary for me to take notes more quickly during the conference, which improved both my writing and listening abilities. Going to several committees all day was tiring in the end, but this is where I learned the value of dedication and management.

LO 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences
Working the whole day long was very difficult, still, I stayed committed to my tasks and worked proactively throughout the MUN. 

LO 5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively
In the IP committee, there were numerous different delegates, and we all worked together to support one another by allocating everyone’s tasks so that we each had an equal number of responsibilities. To communicate the news, each member of my committee was on a different committee. Some of the delegates gathered breaking news, video clips, memes, and caricatures. We were able to get the most relevant and necessary information from this event by collaborating among us. 

LO 6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance
Many international topics were discussed by the delegates during the Loksabha committee observations. Such active engagement and input made the conference made it more informative and productive.

LO 7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions
IPMUN was a well-known and reputable event that called for discipline and appropriate word choice while the conferences were being held. The day’s timetable and schedule had to be followed by us. Additionally, adhering to the dress code to respect the event’s moral standards and ethics was also mandatory.  

In conclusion, this experience helped me in improvising in my communication and socializing skills. Also, this was my first experience in a MUN so I learned a lot from it, which makes me make more confident in the next MUNs. 

Learner Profiles:
Inquirer – I was very curious throughout the MUN and as I was in the IP committee we were having the role of interviewing the delegates which made me inquire more about everyone’s different perspectives.
Communicator – I was very communicative while interacting with my members of the committee. Also, while interviewing I showcased being communicative. 

Instagram page made by my committee: https://www.instagram.com/ipmun_ip22/

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