Coastal Cleanup

There was a event on world costal day to clean Dariya Ganesh beach (Dumas Beach) in Surat by the SMC in which we the students of Fountainhead school participated to clean the the beach. Because people throw plastic in river which ends up coming in to oceans. Due to tides the plastic comes on sea shores. The plastic doesn’t decompose so it stays in water or in land for many years. Fish, seabirds, sea turtles, and marine mammals can become entangled in or swallow plastic debris, causing suffocation, starvation, and drowning. People who throw plastic in ocean or in any water body harms humans and animals. Because we drink water  that comes from ocean and rivers. In some place there is acid in rain water because plastic release some harmful chemicals in water and environment. The water that evaporate has harmful chemical in it. Sometimes due to high tides plastic s tuck up on the sea shore beneath the sand and the water makes the sand hard so the plastic stays there for many years.

LO’s that were met during this clean up drive:

LO4: I had to wake up early in the morning and spend 2-3 hours at the beach cleaning it. And since there was limited time I had to commit to an area of the beach and clean it properly. I do not find it hard to be persistent to what I commit, so similarly even for this CAS experience it was not as difficult for me to show commitment.

LO5: Cleaning an entire beach cannot be done individually. Thus, it had to be done in groups, where me and my friends were collaborated with each other in the process by collecting and gathering the trash together in groups.

LO6: Cleanliness and sanitation is a serious problem around the world. We usually underestimate the seriousness of negative impacts of plastic on the environment and end up littering our environment and surroundings . A beach is a worse place to have more plastic waste, as that waste ends up in the oceans and harms the aquatic ecosystem and humans. This realization gave me a sense of responsibility towards our environment and that’s why I decided to be a part of this clean up drive to Dumas Beach.

LO7: By being the part of this clean up drive I didn’t only do the correct thing but I was also able to tell others the importance of cleanliness to others. I always thought that the city was very clean until I came to the beach then I got to know that many parts of the city was very dirty and needed to be clean.

By doing this CAS experience we got to know that cleanliness is very important we all should keep our surrounding and city clean. Due to pollution there are many diseases spreading in the world.

The learners attribute for this CAS experience are Caring, Thinkers and   Knowledgeable


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