Community Service

There was a community service that was held in our school where underprivileged children were invited to participate in different activities like art & craft, dance, football, and teaching computers. I opt to teach art & craft to the children because I have an interest in art & craft. The community service was of 6 sessions which were on Saturday and Sunday dates were 23rd and 24th of July,  30th, and 31st of July and  3rd, and 4th of august. Activities were planned as per dates. In the first two days, we made origami, then on the next two days we made drawing from hand print, then on the next 2 days, we made bookmarks. Teaching them was a pleasure as I could observe a smile on their face . I also interacted with them regarding their life and could learn a lot of things from them.Overall the experience was really fun as I got an opportunity to teach underprivileged children art and craft. 


LO-1 ( Identify own strengths and develops area of growth)

While teaching children art & craft I was able to do everything perfectly because I was consistent in arts. In house when I used to have free time i use to observe youtube videos of origami and use to copy it step by step on origami paper .I also use to see videos of DIY which gave me innovate ideas of making flower from paper, making an artwork from finger tips etc.  Being frequent in that i got my hands on folding of paper and in painting which was strength for me while teaching underprivileged children.


LO-4 ( Shows commitment and perseverance in cas experience)

This experience of CAS required commitment and perseverance because teaching is a process where we need patience. Making children learn techniques of art & craft was a challenge in itself hence, perseverance was needed so that I could effectively impart my knowledge of art & craft into children. In order to make children gain the techniques of art and craft I made sure I attended all 6 sessions of community service effectively and also made sure the techniques which I am teaching to children are understandable to them.


LO-5 ( Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively)

This experience required me to invest my social skills with my peers and children. When we were teaching children we were divided into groups of either two, three, or four to teach children. As the children were conversing in Gujarati and I was not able to communicate in Gujarati which resulted in them not understanding what I was trying to tell but my peer was Gujarati so she was delivering the steps of art & craft in Gujarati and I was helping children to follow the steps which further helped us to get smooth flow to make a bookmark, painting, and origami. Children were also sincere which made learning more fun and easier. Lastly, teamwork made this experience more successful.


LO-6 (Demonstrate engagement with issue of global significance)

Quality of education is right for everyone. Arts education will help them to be more broad minded in terms of creativity. Which will help them to think critically and it will also help them to use this creativity in future.


In a nutshell, this experience helped me to be more confident and it also improved my social skills. I also developed a learner profile caring and communicator. This community service gave me an opportunity to interact with children from different backgrounds and lastly I am really grateful for it.


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