River Rafting (activity)

Rafting was on my bucket list for a long time, and CAS was the best chance to cross it off. As a part of the activity component, I decided to go rafting during Diwali vacations. I had never been rafting before but I decided to give it a try recently and I’m so glad I did, It was such a blast!. The scenery was beautiful and the rapids were just the right amount of challenging and fun. Plus, it was amazing to be out on the water. Rafting is definitely an activity that I’ll be doing again. Rafting makes for a great workout that is also a lot of fun. Additionally, rafting was also a great way to enjoy the outdoors. Being on the water and in nature was very peaceful and calming.

Even though we were wearing life jackets, it was frightening at first because there was no secure protection and there was a danger of slipping off the raft. I don’t feel particularly at ease around water; it scares me, for sure. This was also the first time that I truly forced myself to step outside of my comfort zone and do something new, and let me just say that it was fantastic. It was a struggle to get on the raft, but all it takes is one hard push to accomplish. Once I was on the raft, I forgot all about my anxieties and had a great time. I felt stronger during this journey because I was able to face my fear. Even though the continual rowing made my heart beat quickly I felt peaceful and in addition to that I got to connect with nature and appreciate its beauty. In the end we had the opportunity to jump into the river, and although I was initially hesitant, I eventually did it. It was terrifying but it was one of the most peaceful experiences of my life.

The learning outcomes achieved is LO’5 Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively, this is so because rafting was not a one man’s job, it required teamwork to move the raft, and it was not just everyone just working, it required the correct speed and coordination to move the raft in a correct way which was seen in this experience. We all worked collaboratively which made the end experience super fun for all of us.

Overall, my experience wasn’t only about having fun or learning something new; I also unintentionally grew close to the families that were on the raft with me and the instructor. We all engaged in a lot of chit-chatting as we talked, enjoyed, and got to know one another.

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