ISSO Badminton

International Schools Sports Organization (ISSO) is meant and formed with an initiative to develop and nurture sports across the international schools affiliated to Cambridge, IB and other international boards. I represented fountainhead schools for badminton Under-19 boys. I was preparing for this competition for 5 months in school and personally.

The following Learning Outcomes were acquired from the overall experience

LO1: { Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth }

As I was practicing for the match with the opponent in the court, one of my team member noticed that my shots were at a good speed and consulting with my team members and coaches I was able to know my strengths in the game. Also I discovered one my drawbacks as I was in the match and later on I worked on my weakness cause knowing your talents and limitations is essential because it’s the only way you can improve.

LO2: { Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process }

One challenge that I faced while preparing for a badminton match was improving my footwork. I realized that I was often slow to move to the shuttlecock, and my opponent was able to score points by placing shots in areas where I couldn’t reach. To overcome this challenge, I started doing footwork drills every day. I practiced moving quickly and efficiently around the court, focusing on my footwork and positioning. I also worked on improving my balance and coordination, which helped me move more smoothly and react more quickly to my opponent’s shots.

LO4: { Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences }

Badminton is one my hobbies that I like to do perform daily/mostly. Physical exertion is a part of badminton, and it’s simple to lose motivation when you don’t achieve results right away. But still, it’s critical to continue through these difficulties and keep up your hard work, even when it’s challenging. It’s crucial to demonstrate dedication since doing so results in growth and improved performance. I show commitment to this sport as I am very inactive when it comes to physical sport.

LO:5 { Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively }

Working cooperatively is an important ability in badminton since it may improve team relationships, performance, and motivation. It was less challenging than playing solo cause, first of all, cooperation might result in better performance. We can collaborate and exchange information, abilities, and experiences to enhance performance as a whole and may find areas for development and create fresh tactics and plans by working together.

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