Beach Cleaning

As one of my CAS experience, I decided to clean Dumas beach on world costal clean up day as the Dumas beach is really dirty and there are many negative impacts of that on the environment and sea animals. Along with many other students I was given the opportunity to take part in this service and a few NGOs were also a part of this. The garbage also the affects the citizens living near the beach and the trash also kills sea animals.

The SDGs 11, 13, and 14 were applied to when cleaning the beach. Sustainable cities and communities are covered by SDG 11, and this SDG is achieved since a clean beach contributes to a sustainable city. Climate action is SDG 13, and then this SDG is observed since clearing the beach will reduce the effects of climate change, which garbage is a key contributor to. SDG 14 focuses on life below water, and cleaning the beach will reduce the number of sea creatures that suffer from beach trash.

The CAS component’s criteria for service and activity were followed. Service was provided since I minimized the environmental impact of the trash by cleaning up the beach. I served society by dumping the junk that would have had a negative impact on the environment and marine life in the trash. Activity as a component was followed in beach cleaning since I had to carry the sack filled with trash around, which was heavy, and because there was a lot of garbage.

LO5 – Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively.

Since it was impossible for a single individual to clean the beach, I had to work in a group to complete learning outcome 5. To make the beach cleaning process more organised and effective, we assigned tasks to each other. In order to make the process of cleaning the beach easier, I had to interact with my group, which helped me build my communication and collaboration abilities.

LO6 – Engagement with issues of global significance.

Learning outcome 6 was achieved because cleaning up the beach allowed me to engage with a major worldwide issue while also addressing the issue of waste on the beach. Garbage on the beach contributes to pollution, which is a serious problem around the world.

I displayed the learner profile caring by cleaning the beach and demonstrating my concern for the environment. A clean beach improves the experience of visiting the beach, therefore as I was cleaning the beach, I also thought about the people on the beach since it would maximize their enjoyment.

Cleaning the beach made me feel incredibly good because I had helped the environment, and it also made me realise that I shouldn’t ever toss trash on the Beach again, which lead to a beneficial change in my behaviour.

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