Learn Bandhani

Bandhani was originated 5000 years ago, It was started by Khatri community of Gujarat. Bandhani term was derived from word ‘Bandhan’ which means tying up. Its one of the oldest method of tie-dyeing. Bandhani is made by pinching thousands of knots in fabric to make beautiful designs. Ancient indians made bandhani from hands but now a days it’s machine made. But in this activity I will learned how to make handmade bandhani designs. Also I used natural colors instead of artificial colors. The dye I used is turmeric.

Process of bandhani:-

I started with taking a white  cotton napkin. Then I made bandhani design by using lentils. I pinched the lentils in cloth and tied with thread. After that I  boiled water and added turmeric for yellow dye. And added salt to make turmeric color permanent. And at the end I dried the cloth and plucked the threads. This formed beautiful bandhani pattern on cloth.

LO 1:Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

I identified that my creativity skills has developed. I feel like I have explored myself deeper during this CAS experience. After learning bandhani in PYP I was convinced to do it again. If I compare that bandhi with the recent one, I feIt improvement. I am satisfied to be aware of my strengths.

LO 2:Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

The challenging thing was pinching mung beans in cloth. Because those are tiny beans  and takes a lot time to complete the whole cloth. The more tiny bandhani makes it more beautiful. But at the end I completed the task and was happy with result. I made this during my PYP exhibition. Taking new challenges makes us learn new lessons. And I love to learn new things because it makes me grow. It might be useful in future to learn this skill.

LO 3:Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

Making bandhani takes all day. But scheduled learning bandhani on weekends. So I was able to complete on time. Before starting pinching I planned what pattern I want to make bandhani of. I also used t shirts and napkins to make bandhani.

Learner profile I developed while learning bandhani:-

Inquirer- I was inquirer to learn with enthusiasm. And also I developed curiosity  in the process to do it more. I enjoyed to explore and be engaged in learning new skills.

Open-minded- As I am Gujarati, so learning bandhani makes me feel connected to my culture. Also I have grown from my last experience of making bandhani.



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