International coastal day

On International Coastal day, SMC and many climate activist organisations collaborated and organised a campaign that took place on Dariya Ganesh Beach (Dumas Beach).The campaign motto was to collect non-biodegradable waste and dumped the collected waste safely without harming mother earth and water bodies.

LOs met:

-LO4:(Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience)

Perseverance was the key required to complete my CAS  experience    effectively as collecting trash from various areas of beach I had to cover and travel a vast amount of distances across the beach.Putting huge amount of efforts were also required also It was very sweat drenching.

-LO5:(Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively)

Cleaning whole beach alone is nearly impossible as it requires a vast amount of time.Therefore, small groups were made to make cleaning easier, joyful and quick.It also helped to improve communication skills with my group members and develop my leadership skill as i was given the duty to guide the group.

-LO6:(Engagement with issues of global significance)

This CAS experience helped me to contribute for reducing matter of global significance.Pollution mainly created by human race is dumped on coastal areas not to mention, this pollution may further ends up in seas which creates a greater issue by putting in danger the lives of innocent marine creature.Therefore, non-biodegradable pollution is global concern and threat for society and nature which could also reduce sustainability.

-LO7:(Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions)

This campaign made me realise that every little effort made to reduce pollutants harming marine ecology and nature as whole could make a huge different. I am proud that I made my self useful for the society and utilise my self for a good incentive to protect sea and reduce non-biodegradable litter mainly thus, I can say the choice I made was ethical considering my efforts to cut down the global matter and improve sustainability.

This CAS experience made me realise the importance of the matter of global issue and consequences which could occur due to carelessness of keep on polluting nature.Thus, actions are to be taken by society as a whole to deduce this consequences and save lives in future.


Evidence :

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