Concert at Nomads cafe – Creativity and Activity

There was an event held at the Nomads cafe in Surat, where my band had performed at least 20 songs (2 hours). It was an enjoyable event with live dinner. I did learn how to manage things and coordinate with the band members.

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

It was easy to identify that solo drumming was my greatest strength, but when it comes to playing with the band, sometimes I go off track or make some mistakes due to lack of practice or confidence. I feel enthusiastic about learning to coordinate with the band. While just drumming is like communicating with yourself. But as a band, it displays how the band communicates some message or joy together with instruments and cordination amongst them. It is important for us to know our strengths because it helps to get deeper and improve more for achieving the next level. It is equally important for us to know our weakness, because then only we might overcome it. My weakness was the coordination with the band. I did overcome my weakness by changing my mind to work with a band in this event, rather than my solo drum performance. Overcoming this weakness did benefit me by developing more skills.

LO3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

During this CAS experience, I had organized myself in many ways. By managing the instruments, communication with the event organizer, songs list and preparation, I am usually an organized person. In this event, coordination amongst the band members was the most difficult part. Since, we were performing in concert for the first time outside the school. Everybody used to get hyper even if one member made a small mistake, we had experienced small fights during the concert, but somehow we did manage it. Initiating the event was difficult, as the concert was outside the school, it took a lot of motivation and confidence to take part. I think Planning would be easier for me in future, as I mentioned above that I was successfully able to manage and organize things for the Concert. It is important to know how to plan or initiate activities as it helps us to develop our skills. Also initiating leadership is not easy, even we as a band have gone through many things.

LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Commitment was required by all the members. The reason for the same is because we had no other substitutes for the artist while performing. Commitment was displayed, when we had experienced fights amongst each other. The perseverance to perform the concert despite the delay of time. The concert had been delayed by 30 mins, still the band showcased enthusiasm and energy which was preserved until late night. The commitment was such that every member had to stay till the last minute of performance, which was successfully demonstrated. It is important to show perseverance and commitment in any of the activities/events, it helps to achieve success and overcome internal issues.

LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

Working with others is usually difficult for me, being an ambivert. During this event, It took a lot of courage for me to initiate in the event and be a part of the band. It was difficult for me to convince my opinions with the band members or pass my decisions regarding any moment in the event. I was able to handle it by exhibiting my creativity in music. It is important to work collaboratively with others in order to accomplish something big. It benefits an individual by developing many skills. However, patience is required while working with others. The importance of teamwork in our event was such that we were able to entertain the audience through music which they really enjoyed.

Final takeaway

This CAS experience was an wonderful opportunity to overcome my weakness. I was able to demonstrate the Learner profiles:- communicator and knowledgeable. While working with the band, communication was necessary in order to make beautiful music. Knowledgeable, as I had to remember a few beats while playing on the stage. At the end, I feel very proud being an artist since we were sucessfully able to perform till the last minute of concert.

Evidence:- Video

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