Awareness about global warming

I created a website with the help of ‘’ to spread awareness about global warming and help people understand its causes and what they can do to prevent it. I started making the website on October 3rd. It was a journey to learn the new mechanics and various creative options available. I was personally interested in spreading awareness about this topic and designing a website. I learned a lot about both, global warming and the challenges of designing a website through this experience.


LO1 – (Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth)

Through this, I learned how to design a website and grew my creativity. I also learned a lot more about global warming and its prevention. I liked making websites and this helped me grow my liking due to my creativity. It was easier to make the website’s layout and overall appearance look nice. My previous knowledge about global warming helped me write about it better as well as it grew my knowledge even more.


LO2 – (Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills)

One of the main challenges was the overall website design itself. Secondarily, keeping the information condensed as well as using simple language to reach out to a bigger audience. I learned to use the many tools available that helped me overcome the website’s design and layout. I had to limit the amount of information as well because I wanted the website to be a quick and easy read instead of a long and boring one. I developed two new skills by overcoming these challenges.


LO4 – (Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience)

I showed commitment by working on the website at least twice daily from October 3rd to October 17th. This was a good decision as working daily helps me be consistence and come up with new ideas. Even the limited knowledge at the beginning of the experience about both, designing a website and global warming. I learned about them through this experience.


LO6 – (Engagement with issues of global significance)

One of the main reasons I build this website is to spread useful information about an important topic. Global warming is a very huge issue and every individual can do something about it at a personal level. The significance of global warming is increasing day by day, so I thought it would be helpful to contribute to the cause of preventing it as best as I could.


LO7 – (Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions)

Building a website is a better option than posters due to deforestation being an issue as well. It would also be counterintuitive to make a poster or a pamphlet as the topic is global warming. There are many preventions listed on the website that could help the readers prevent the issue.


Conclusively, this experience proposed a lot of difficulties but, I overcome them and earned a handful of skins during the process. They also helped me expand my knowledge about websites and global warming. I also helped to spread awareness about the global issue.



The link to the website is:

Few screenshots: 

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