Beach Clean up Drive

The one quality that a person should attribute in their evolving journey is cleanliness and sanitation not just in their surrounding but trying to maximize their reach, And Influence people in a positive way, I am sure that every person might do so. But Some people don’t have this attribute because of them there is a problem that occurs and this CAS experience tells us the importance of keeping of surroundings clean and lively.

This CAS experience was initiated by the local governing body of our City SMC (Surat Municipal Corporation) and the drive was about cleaning the surroundings of the Beach the precise location is Dariya Beach in the Dumas area. The efforts of ours and other people who took part in this event was worthy and the results also indicated the same, as we were able to collect at least 3- 4 big bag of trash in the Morning and then handed over to the SMC officials to dispose and treat the waste.

LO4:- (Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences)

The beach was quite large, and it contained lots of trash all over it, including different plastic things, cans, food wrappers, etc. The Cleaning task was proving to be tough because it required a lot of effort. Picking up trash, filling bags with collected trash, and then handing it over to the SMC to dispose of it. This was quite a bit of a task but the during the event and cleaning we never felt fatigued. This experience gives us a moment that we can cherish and remember our contribution to the city. The event was organized on the weekend in the morning, so according to my schedule, it was another challenge to wake up early in the morning and go to the event. 

LO5:- (Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively).

The Importance of working together as a team played a very important role in this CAS experience and the event as the task of cleaning a vast area was a hell of a task and collaborating with other schools mates and working in groups made the task easy and enjoyable. And this event will be cherished by everyone who attended and work for cleaning the beach. There were a few instances wherein the cloth kind of material was deep in the sand on the beach and lots of physical strength was required also help for taking that cloth piece out was required, the team’s efforts were very helpful in such kind of situation.

LO6:- (Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance). 

The problem was waste over the coastal area of our city, which is not just a local issue but one that affects the entire world as a result of various human activities. This issue leads to a catastrophic problem involving marine life and water, and there is an SDG that is in line with the CAS experience, which is SDG 14. (Life below water ). This SDG mostly focuses on marine life, and if the water and coastline are not kept in good condition, neighboring species will find it difficult to survive. This experience made it easier for us to fulfill our responsibilities as responsible citizens.


Beach cleaning Evidence 1.


Beach cleaning Evidence 2.

Beach cleaning Evidence 3:- 

( Video link :-

Beach cleaning Evidence 4.

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