I had recently participated in FSMUN as an UNSC delegate . Basically MUN considers many committee’s which discuss on various global topics where delegates of different countries debate in an formal manner and discuss the resolutions the countries will accept . Moreover talking about the skill set which is required to an extreme extent is collaboration and verbal skills which plays an vital role throughout the event .

LO 1 : To begin with as briefed about that FSMUN had an lot of verbal speaking objects which was an must during the MUN , moreover I participated in the event in order to voice my public speaking skills and being my first MUN I even wanted to explore how to participate in the same .Before talking part I was very eagar and excited to voice my speech instantly as firstly I knew that I am good at content creation yet on the other hand I realized that I need to develop the area of content creation with keeping an time frame in my mind which I kept as an major aspect which I wanted to overcome . Which I did overcome till the end of the MUN .

LO 2 :Furthermore I identified my strengths in the above LO 1 , yet there were some challenges which were required to be undertaken till the successful completion of the event such as collaboration and team work and Research being adequate to the point  where the context corelates well with the topic in focus . Moreover Research was an loop hole which I found I lacked in , hence in order to perform my best . I used skimming and scanning method which made my data collection time to reduce to an greater extent and research which I came across was way more narrowed down and to the context . Which I could present in my speeches in an organized manner .

LO 4 :I showed perseverance and commitment throughout the CAS experience where i was actively involved throughout the conduct of MUN .I demonstrated commitment in sense of overcoming cons which I had mentioned earlier. Moreover I participated in terms of responding and coordinating with other delegates in the committee which plays an important role on which the MUN revolves .Even though I had framed couple of counter points and research pointers which I had used in the MUN , which gave my response and authentic structure, hence I used perseverance and commitment before and throughout the MUN .

LO 5 : Collaboration being the most important factor in many group task which caters to interaction with peers which enhances the effectiveness of the debate. Furthermore I was already aware that collaboration skills is one of the crucial skill which I will require for the MUN . Nevertheless collaboration was used by me at many instances during the MUN which did used effectively in order to make my experience great ,On the other hand the challenges I faced were not too much piled up as I was familiar with the conduct of the MUN , yet there were many instances where the delegates arguing was important in order make talks more sensible which I don’t consider to be an challenge .

LO 7 :Ethics of choice and actions plays an important role while participating in MUN as it consists of giving statements which are strong enough and accurate in order to clear the true meaning of the statement spoken .Moreover if any misleading statement is given by any delegate so it can lead to counter argument which may arise in the committee. Where I had to consider ethics of choice and action while framing any speeches. As it is very important to ensure the phrases are used in an correct manner and the meaning of the statement is clear enough .

Nevertheless the experience of participating in MUN helped me developing many aspects such as public speaking , Content creation , Presentation etc. Even though it helped me get an formal experience of how any debate is conducted .

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