Mount Abu Trekking (Activity)

In this CAS experience, I went on an exciting trekking trip at Mt. Abu, It was a 4 day trip organized by school. There were many adventurous activities like rock climbing, rappelling, Zipline, Treks to different places and caving. All the activities were risk taking, as the location was at Mountain. My goal was to participate in all the activities and treks conducted. All the days spent in the Mountain had become memories and the environmental knowledge gained would last forever. I had also attributed the sustainable development goal which was good health and well being

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

I am not physically fit like my friends, who workout everyday and have a healthy lifestyle. The most challenging thing for me was to wake up early and go for 1-2 hours trek, then having cold shower bath. Also, this trip led me out of my comfort zone by dealing with many things which I had never experienced. Being a foodie, I always prefer to eat junk food. While in the camp, the food provided was healthy as energy was required walking for hours. The campsite had an altitude of 4000 ft. hence maintaining our health was very important. Every activity was planned in such a way that our body remains fit, SDG was catered in the trip as I experienced healthy lifestyle and my wellbeing was good.

LO3:  Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

I organized myself by planning to join a gym 2 months after going on the trip, as mentioned above that I am not an usual person who regularly does fitness. In order to make my body capable of completing the trek successfully, I had done gymming for 2 months. It really helped me get ready for the trek. Planning and initiating both were difficult, as it was my first time for such an adventurous trek. I had to prepare and plan for many things like clothes, necessity, fitness according to the weather, necessity, location, and etc. factors. In future, It would be easier to start on such treks because of the experience from Mt. Abu was marvelous.

LO6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

Sustainable development goal: good health and well-being is a global issue. There are many people who dont look after their health by prefering to eat junk food and not look after their fitness, due to which their health and well being is affected badly. From this CAS experience, I had reflected upon my lifestyle and got to know the importance of fitness. Knowing about this global issue helped me contribute my personal growth by planning for a healthy lifestyle.

LO7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

Being an environmentalist, I am always concerned with protecting and preserving the natural environment. This gave me an opportunity to save the environment by collecting litter. While trekking, I used to pick up trash wherever it was littering, in order to clean the land and save mother nature from pollution. Hence, I was able to reconsider my actions and the impact it has.

All in all, the trip was very exciting and I would surely like to have such mountain experiences again. I had developed new skills like risk taking, as few activities required a lot of courage. As a DP student, this nature camp had made me feel down to earth as there were no mobile phones, network and luxuries while a peaceful break in nature.


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